Creative Habit 2

Think Experimental right.

After the last blogs I’ve been hearing the same thing.. I need more. This is probably because I wait till the last minute to do the blog.  So I decided  like my creative habit I will blog every time.. Every time… EVERY  TIME I’m done with my creative habit. Then at the end my blog will show more of inside look of the Essie. Exciting I know.

For this week  I am going to focus on loosing up aka experimental animation. so here it goes.

I really appreciate  the way he uses textures and I feel that this could be the thing I need to push my idea to the next level. here is my first attempt


This was my first attempt the the disorder was Micropsia, or the Alice in Wonderland syndrome. This is where things become warped and objects can change their shape.

Next day I wanted to tackle the Cotard’s Syndrome, The belief that you are a walking corps and you are dead. bernetttgifdisorder.gif

Instead of rotting organs I related to this disorder with rotten food in the fridge. And so I created a Fridge girl. I pushed more of an experimental feel by adding some fun textures.

Today I wanted to push more with textures and use fabrics and what not. The disability that I animated was BIID, Body integrity identity disorder. It is where a person is really into amputees and or wants to become one. amputeegiff.gif

The animation above is a mixture of a cookie and also a paper doll.

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